


Below is a collection of resources shared by OSPI:


残疾历史及认识月(RCW 28A.230.158) takes place during October to increase awareness, respect, 以及对残疾人的接纳, and to bring a greater sense of pride to people with disabilities. People with disabilities created most of the resources included below. OSPI的优先顺序与学区提供资源的目标相参照, 管理员, and people with disabilities can use as they relate to the priority areas.

This is a list of external resources not produced by OSPI. Please review each resource to ensure it fits your needs. Some resources share stories; some of which may have content considered sensitive.

在词典中,骄傲被描述为“对自己所做的或属于自己的事情感到高兴或满足,或者认为这反映了自己的信誉。.” Pride can be found in many places, including in movements such as the 残疾人权利运动, and in self-advocacy, and it shows up in many of the categories below.

  • NCIL残疾骄傲工具包 -独立生活模式显示了医学模式和独立生活模式之间的区别, as well as testimonials from youth with Disability Pride, 以及Pride网站上的其他有用资源.


自我辩护是一种人们拥有的权利,这样他们就可以为自己的权利说话,做出影响自己生活的决定——受影响的人应该是重要的贡献者. “Nothing About Us Without Us” became the slogan for 残疾人权利运动, 这体现了自我倡导的理念.

  • ASAN -自闭症自我倡导网络是一个由自闭症患者运营并为他们服务的非营利性组织, and advocates for topics important to people with autism and other disabilities.
  • 为青年 -行动伙伴关系, Voices for Empowerment has a specific section for youth, offering videos and articles on 残疾 pride, 领导, 以及其他有用的资源和链接.
  • NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Illness offers resources on mental health, 重点是教育和宣传. 这些选项卡包含概述、治疗方法、支持和线程,可以在上面进行共享和交流.
  • ACT “一起倡导改变”计划和培训材料的目标是解决三个方面:赋予个人权力, connect them to the 残疾 rights movement, and work together to build stronger communities.
  • SABE Self Advocates Becoming Empowered是美国一个全国性的自我倡导组织,其使命是“确保残疾人受到平等对待,并获得同样的决定权”, 选择, rights, 责任, and chances to speak up to empower themselves; opportunities to make new friends, 并从他们的错误中学习.”

Evidence-Based Practices, Professional Development
The following resources include experiences presented by people with disabilities, both by professionals talking about their disabilities, 或者在个人博客上. Many talk about how their 残疾 has impacted their professional lives, 一些人谈到他们如何倡导变革,以便更好地将残疾人融入他们的领域.

  • 残疾人士能见度计划 – In addition to blog posts written by Alice Wong and guest blog writers, 该播客对几个不同行业的残疾人进行了简短的采访, 以及其他行业的经验, 比如残疾父母. Some may bring up sensitive topics, content, or language.
  • 植根于权利 -根植人权组织在其“讲故事者系列”中有几个视频,旨在增加对残疾人的真实再现, 培养新兴的创造者和活动家, and promote accessible social video as a form of activism.“根植于权利”也有一个博客,有几个不同的作者和主题,以及一个
    播客 关于残疾父母谈论他们的生活,作为父母和他们的童年.
  • 自闭症球兰 ——Lydia X的博客. Z. Brown, a nonbinary 残疾 justice advocate, organizer, and writer with autism. There is also a tab for ableist terms and language. 请注意免责声明,列表上的一些词将被认为是不合适的.
  • 我Diversability – The three pillars of Diversability are connect, showcase, and empower. Diversability还提供了一个系列,残疾人在Instagram上发布照片和他们的故事. “People with disabilities are more than just ‘people with disabilities.’ We are entrepreneurs, executives, whatever we want to be. 我们是有不同能力的人.”

历史有助于了解一个社区曾经在哪里以及发生过的重大事件. 残疾人的历史涵盖了美国最大的少数民族,以及引发残疾人权利运动的斗争. A few current news sites have also been included.

  • 倡导监控 – “The 倡导监控 is a project of the National Council on Independent Living, 领先的跨残障, 代表独立生活中心(CILs)的由残疾人经营和为残疾人服务的草根组织, 全州独立生活委员会(silc), 残疾人士, 以及其他倡导美国各地残疾人人权和公民权利的组织.”
  • 残疾勺 -有关残障人士和影响社区的事件的新闻来源.
  • 《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》作者:华盛顿大学 -新闻文章汇编, 主要来自Google Alerts, that covers news on 残疾 for Do-It with University of 华盛顿. 每周更新.
  • 国家公园管理局:残疾人历史 – A series of seven articles about Disability History in America. The articles include Early and Shifting Attitudes of Treatment, 教育改革, 军事和残疾, 总统与残疾, 残疾人权利运动, and the National Park Service and 可访问性.
  • 残疾人权利历史时间表 -根据残疾人权利领域发生的重大事件以及导致这一事件的原因,按年编制时间表. 1817年到2005年.
  • nld青年时间表 – Offers a look at the history of people with disabilities. The timeline starts in 1770 and continues through 2006. The website version of the timeline is interactive; a PDF version is also available.

交叉性是对社区内不同身份重叠的承认. A person could face oppressions such as having a 残疾, 来自LGBTQ+社区, 作为一个有色人种, 或其他.

Allyship is those without disabilities assisting those with disabilities. Allies offer support and can help amplify the voices of people with disabilities. They can also help others without disabilities understand why equity is important.

  • 做一个盟友 -清单 of how to be a good ally such as actively listening, 实行问责制, 支持身份和社区, 采取行动, 和更多的.
  • 残疾的注意事项 -一段有关残障人士如何提供帮助的视频,以及在采取行动之前询问他人是否需要帮助的重要性.
  • 自我倡导者课程 – While it’s listed as being for self-advocates, there is great value in giving it to someone in an ally role. 它解释了残疾人的感受, 某些刻板印象的影响, and how best to assist someone with a 残疾. 它几乎专门治疗自闭症.
  • 成为残疾人的好盟友的10种方法 -清单, 由一个残疾人写的, about how people without disabilities can be a good ally.
  • 可访问性很酷 – How to create accessible media, mostly videos. 包括如何制作文本,为什么描述视频很重要,所有文本等等.
  • it资源清单 - Do-It为K-12教育工作者编制了一份资源清单,包括视频和出版物.
  • 瘸腿酷儿骄傲 -一段关于LGBTQ+社区中一名残疾人士的视频,以及他们对身份重叠的看法.
  • All the Weight of Our Dreams: On Living Racialized Autism 一本诗集, essays, 短篇小说, 摄影, 绘画, 还有有色人种自闭症患者的画作.
  • Celebrating my LGBTQ Pride Helped Me Find Disability Pride -一篇来自LGBTQ+社区的博客文章,讲述了一个身份的骄傲如何导致另一个身份的骄傲.
  • 提高你的声音:黑人,残疾人,骄傲 -提高你的声音! has several categories, but this category is specifically about intersectionality. There are several articles written by Vilissa Thompson, LMSW, 那个经营网站的女人, as well as interviews with other people with disabilities.

Media often lacks representation for people with disabilities. Below are lists of novels and publications with characters with disabilities, 很多都是残疾人写的, 以及一些围绕残疾人及其经历的视频.

  • Children’s Books: Portrayals of People with Disabilities ——残疾儿童图书目录. 每个包括标题,作者,简短的简介,并推荐每本书的年级水平.
  • Ombuds图书资源指南 - Ombuds提供了一个最新的关于残疾人物的儿童书籍清单. 每个都有一个标题, author, 年出版的, summary, 残疾, and which resource they highlight in the Ombuds’ lesson plan. 该列表按推荐的年级水平排序.
  • 不可思议的杂志: 残疾人毁了科幻小说 and 残疾人
    -散文集, 短篇小说, 残障作家的诗歌为残障读者提供了声音和视野,而残障读者在科幻小说和奇幻文学中缺乏代表性. The essays offer questions in the representation of people with disabilities, 指出小说的缺点, shows, 和电影,同时突出那些影响和激发他们对这些类型的热爱的作品. Uncanny在他们的网站上提供一些免费内容,并在每个页面的顶部提供内容警告. 请注意,在某些内容中会提到敏感话题,您应该检查以确保每一篇文章都符合您的需求.
  • Ted Talks: I am Not Your Inspiration, Thank You Very Much – Stella Young talks about turning people with disabilities into an inspiration, and how living with a 残疾 doesn’t need to be seen as inspirational.
  • 根植于人权纪录片 -《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》有关于残疾人面临的问题的迷你纪录片, 比如应对自然灾害的计划, 帮助残疾囚犯重返社会, 低于最低工资标准.


  • Ombuds’ One out of Five: Disability History and Pride Project is a lesson plan written for middle school age students to celebrate the history, 身份, 残疾人的多样性. 这个项目主要围绕残障儿童及其生活的影像展开.
  • Disability Rights 华盛顿 offers a lesson plan called 整个人的肖像 它是为小学生设计的,向他们介绍残疾人权利如何融入更大的民权运动.